Shazahn Padamsee, who played the leading lady to Ranbir Kapoor in her debut film Rocket Singh: Salesman Of The Year, is all set to tie the knot. After a dreamy proposal from her boyfriend and business tycoon Ashish Kanakia of Kanakia Group in November 2024, the actress’ family recently hosted a Roka ceremony of the couple on January 20. On Saturday, Shazahn decided to share this good news along with glimpses of the festivities with her social media fam.
Housefull 2 actress Shazahn Padamsee drops FIRST pics from her Roka ceremony with Ashish Kanakia
Shazahn Padamsee shines in pastel pink lehenga
The Housefull 2 actress took to Instagram to share all about her engagement ceremony pictures which seems like a traditional yet intimate affair. Shazahn looked elegant and chic in her pastel pink lehenga with extensive mirror work whereas her groom-to-be Ashish Kanakia looked equally classy in an ivory-white sherwani with embroidery in the same colour. Sharing it on the platform, Shazahn captioned it saying, “New beginnings” and also added ring as well as heart emoji as she continued to reveal the date, “20.01.2025” along with hashtags like ‘Roka’ and ‘Engagement’.
From her fans to industry colleagues, many of them dropped heart emojis and congratulatory messages for the actress on this memorable occasion. Meanwhile, some photos were also shared by the photographers of the event – Epic Stories on their official handle.
Shazahn Padamsee opens up about her engagement
In an exclusive interview with ETimes, Shazahn opened up about the ceremony, wherein she expressed her happiness saying, “This is the beginning of a new chapter in my life. Ashish’s family has been so warm and welcoming that it’s difficult to believe we’ve known each other for just two years. It was such a special day. The one person I missed the most is my dad. I wish he had been there by my side, sharing the moment with me. He would have been so happy and proud.”
About Shazahn Padamsee
Being the daughter of noted actors Alyque Padamsee and Sharon Prabhakar, the actress is bets known for her roles in films like Dil Toh Baccha Hai Ji and Housefull 2, apart from her debut film.
Also Read: “It was always you”: Shazahn Padamsee and Ashish Kanakia seal their love with a proposal
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