‘The Penguin’ Showrunner Explains Why Robert Pattinson Didn’t Appear As The Batman


Was The Batman asleep during The Penguin? Showrunner Lauren LeFranc reveals why Robert Pattinson didn’t cameo in the award-winning limited series.

The Penguin managed to defy all expectations to be one of the best projects of last year. The series was met with near universal praise from fans and critics alike. Much of this success came from showrunner Lauren LeFranc managing to delve deeper into the world of The Batman away from the cold-eye of justice presented by Robert Pattinson’s take on the Caped Crusader.

However, it seems that was also one of the series’ primary weaknesses. The one near-universal complaint fans have with The Penguin was their disappointment that Robert Pattinson didn’t make a cameo. Especially given the show escalates to stakes nearing The Batman itself, many fans were taken out of the experience when Gotham’s Dark Knight simply turned a blind eye to the wanton destruction befalling his city.

Why Wasn’t Robert Pattinson In The Penguin?

This complaint was addressed by The Penguin‘s showrunner Lauren LeFranc in a recent chat she had with Empire Magazine. The answer as to why Robert Pattinson didn’t cameo in the project is simple: he can’t be everywhere. However, she did assure fans that the events of the series will at least be acknowledged in the long-awaited sequel to The Batman.

“What Matt reiterated to me early on is that it’s a big city and Batman can’t be everywhere. He doesn’t have a Spidey-sense that tingles. But just because we don’t see Batman in our show doesn’t mean he’s unaware or uncaring. The events that have taken place in Gotham City, and the repercussions that come with them, will carry into the next film.”

For anyone that watched the finale of The Penguin, it was all but guaranteed that the events of the series would play into The Batman sequel in some way. However, it’s nice to get confirmation directly from the showrunner’s mouth that Robert Pattinson’s character isn’t just turning a blind eye. And who knows? With a season 2 of the show potentially on the horizon, he may just make a cameo yet!

The Penguin is now streaming on HBO. Stay tuned for the latest news regarding Matt Reeves’ The Batman universe and make sure to stay tuned to our YouTube channel for more content.

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