Does Galactus serve a deeper purpose? A new rumor paints the beloved Devourer of Worlds in a new light heading into The Fantastic Four: First Steps.
When it was announced that Galactus would be the main villain of The Fantastic Four: First Steps, many fans assumed that they already had the story figured out. Galactus is hungry, he sends the Silver Surfer as a harbinger, and Marvel’s First Family has to stop him from turning Earth into his late night snack. However, a new rumor suggests there may be something deeper going on beneath the surface of the film.
This rumor comes from Alex Perez at The Cosmic Circus. According to the scooper, Galactus isn’t out to feed in The Fantastic Four: First Steps. Rather, he’s in search of Sue Storm and Reed Richard’s reality warping son Franklin Richards. While some may think Galactus will attempt to make him his herald, it seems that the Devourer of Worlds wants the young boy to rebuild his lost home world.
“I don’t actually know about that one,” Perez remarked when asked if the MCU will explore Galactus’ past in a future project. “It’s a good question. But all I know is he’s there, and he wants Franklin to rebuild his old universe.”
Galactus’ Secret Origin In The Fantastic Four
This rumor actually lines up with Galactus’ origin in the comics. Before he was the Devourer of Worlds, he was actually a child called Galan, the son of the Scienceer Supreme on a planet called Taa. Galan actually hailed from the Sixth Cosmos, which is essentially the sixth incarnation of the multiverse. However, following his multiverse being destroyed by the Black Winter, Galan merged with the Sentience of the Sixth Cosmos. This allowed him to survive the destruction and be reborn as Galactus in the new multiverse.
It’s unlikely that The Fantastic Four: First Steps would adapt this origin directly, especially given how complicated it is. However, if this rumor is true, a variation of it is likely to transpire at some point during the film. Though if Franklin Richards does truly have the power to rebuild a multiverse, there will certainly be some massive implications going forward in the MCU.
The Fantastic Four: First Steps opens on July 25, 2025. Stay tuned for all the latest news regarding the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more content!