After Yash Raj Films’ Jayeshbhai Jordaar, Shalini Pandey’s next was also with the same banner in the form of the Netflix movie Maharaj. Directed by Siddharth P Malhotra, the movie was based on the real Maharaj Libel case of 1862 where an upright journalist and social reformer Karsandas Mulji (Junaid Khan) exposes a self-proclaimed Godman Maharaj (Jaideep Ahlawat) for sexual assault and rape of multiple girls in the name of ‘Charan Seva’.
EXCLUSIVE: Shalini Pandey on shooting the ‘Charan Seva’ scene in Maharaj, “It took time for me to process it later, but before that…”
Maharaj had a scene where Shalini’s character Kishori, the fiancée of Karsandas, performs ‘Charan Seva’ to Maharaj. During an actresses’ round table with Bollywood Hungama, Shalini was asked how challenging the scene was and what was going through her during the shoot of the scene. “Now that I think of it, nothing was going in my head,” she said. “We had done a few scenes before that. I was trying to be true to my character. So, I don’t think I overthought it, to be honest.”
However, the scene did affect her later. “As soon as I did it is when I realized it’s very awkward. As soon as I took a break and I got out, I realized what she (the character) went through. When I did it, it dawned on me like, ‘What had happened!’. And this was reality. This happened. It might be still happening somewhere. All of this just happened and everything was really overwhelming. So, it took me time after that to process it. But before that, I think I was just doing it,” she said.
During the course of the conversation, Shalini also said that Junaid Khan never showed off that he is Aamir Khan’s son. “I met him,” she said. “He is such a sweet, awkward, nice human being. He became my friend. He does not give you that idea that he is Aamir Khan’s son. And actually when I met Aamir sir, even he does not give you that idea that he is Aamir Khan. So, everyone became friends and I was like, this is really cool. So, there was no pressure.”
Also Read: Junaid Khan reveals being confident about Maharaj’s release despite legal challenges: “We were very worried. But I knew…”
More Pages: Maharaj Box Office Collection , Maharaj Movie Review
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