Hyderabad witnessed heightened tensions on Sunday as members of the Osmania University-Joint Action Committee (OU JAC) vandalised the residence of actor Allu Arjun. The protests stem from a stampede incident during the benefit show of Pushpa 2: The Rule, which resulted in the death of a woman, Revathi, and left her son, Sri Tej, critically injured.
Allu Arjun’s Hyderabad home attacked amid Pushpa 2 stampede controversy; father Allu Arvind BREAKS SILENCE
Protesters Storm Residence Demanding Justice
Videos circulating online show protesters scaling the walls of Allu Arjun’s house and pelting stones at the premises. Flower pots were smashed, and a confrontation ensued between the protesters and the actor’s security personnel. The mob demanded justice for Revathi and her son, who remains hospitalized.
Telangana police have detained five individuals involved in the vandalism. Allu Arjun’s father, producer Allu Arvind, condemned the attack, stating, “The police have taken in the offenders and filed a case against them. No one should encourage incidents like these.” He urged the public to exercise restraint and allow the law to take its course.
BREAKING: Allu Arjun’s father statement on stone pelting???? pic.twitter.com/f7nMCrI7rH
— Manobala Vijayabalan (@ManobalaV) December 22, 2024
Stampede During Pushpa 2 Event: What Happened?
The chaos traces back to December 4, 2024, during the premiere of Pushpa 2 at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad. Allu Arjun’s surprise visit to the event led to overcrowding, resulting in a stampede. Revathi, a 35-year-old attendee, lost her life, while her son sustained severe injuries.
Subsequently, a case was filed against Allu Arjun, his security team, and the theatre management under sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS). The actor was arrested on December 13, 2024, and spent a night in jail before being released on bail.
Government and Police Weigh In
Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy alleged that Allu Arjun was aware of Revathi’s death while still at the theatre. Supporting this claim, the police stated that the actor did not act promptly. Arjun, however, has denied the allegations, maintaining that he was unaware of the tragedy until the following day.
Allu Arjun’s Statement on the Incident
In the aftermath, Allu Arjun and his team have pledged to cover Sri Tej’s medical expenses. However, citing legal advice, the actor has refrained from meeting the family until investigations conclude.
Also Read: Christmas deadlock continues as PVR Inox insists on 60% of shows for Baby John and 40% for Pushpa 2; anger among exhibitors as PVR Inox exclusively throws open advance booking for both films on Dec 25 in their properties
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