‘Clayface’ Report Reveals Scrapped Connections To ‘The Batman’ Sequel


Was Clayface originally going to be The Batman‘s next big bad? A new rumor suggests the DC Universe film may have originally played into Matt Reeves’ upcoming sequel.

Clayface is the definition of a dark horse in the DC Universe. The project went from not being on anybody’s radar to being ready to film later this year. Prior to it becoming one of the most anticipated projects for the soft reboot, the only time the villain was on anyone’s radar was speculation he’d be the villain for Matt Reeves’ sequel to The Batman. However, that may be because these projects were once secretly connected.

A new rumor from Bill “Jett” Ramey from the site Batman on Film suggests that Clayface was originally set to be the villain of The Batman sequel. However, the character eventually shifted to starring in his own spin-off for Matt Reeves’ burgeoning Elseworlds. However, during the development of the project, it transformed into its current form of being a part of the mainline DC Universe.

Was Clayface Going To Be In The Batman?

This rumor certainly holds some weight, if only circumstantially. There was a rumor tidal wave of scoopers convinced that Clayface would be the villain for The Batman sequel. However, as Matt Reeves has continued to tinker at the script in recent months, those reports have quieted. This could suggest that plans have majorly shifted, reflecting the director’s troubles in finalizing the script for the long-awaited film.

However, it’s important to note that this rumor isn’t iron clad. Mike Flanagan, the writer of the Clayface film, has openly spoken about his desire to make a film based on the character as far back as 2021. While it’s possible that Matt Reeve’s plans for Clayface in The Batman sequel simply converged as the film was shifted to being in the DC Universe, these details certainly put a large dent in this proposed timeline of events.

Clayface is reportedly set to film Spring 2025. This project has not yet been confirmed by DC Studios. Stay tuned for the latest news regarding the future of the DC Universe and make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more content!

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