After the film Laapataa Ladies recently lost the run to Oscars, many netizens expressed disappointment over the same. While the simple film has garnered love from millions across the nation, the news of it being unable to be a part of the Academy Awards left audiences unhappy. When the question about it fitting the criteria of Oscars was asked to renowned and experienced filmmakers like Kabir Khan, Vikramaditya Motwane, Siddharth P Malhotra, and Tushar Hiranandani along with actor-turned-filmmaker Kunal Kemmu at the Bollywood Hungama Round Table, multiple opinions were shared where some expressed their love for the film and some practically explained why the film may not have been a logical choice.
EXCLUSIVE: Vikramaditya Motwane shares why he doesn’t think Laapataa Ladies was the right choice for Oscars; explains why All We Imagine As Light could have been a better choice
While Tushar Hiranandani and Kabir Khan expressed their love for Laapataa Ladies, Vikramaditya Motwane did appreciate the film but went on to explain why All We Imagine As Light would have been a better choice. “Depends on what you want. If you want to win an Oscar, then may be not,” Vikram told Bollywood Hungama as he opened up about Laapataa Ladies being selected over All We Imagine As Light. “I mean, the fact that All We Imagine As Light went on to win Grand Prix at Cannes. In that moment of time, you’re saying it’s the second-best film of the year. It’s massive,” he added.
He also mentioned in detail how the criteria for a film to be selected in the Oscars may be different from what we perceive to be a perfect Indian film. “Film federation of India, I don’t understand what is the logic of these 13 men (members). They said that they did not select All We Imagine as Light as it is a European Film. It’s not an Indian film,” he shared and continued, “I mean what defines Indian anymore. I feel personally it is incorrect. I think there’s diversity which must be celebrated, and the same thing applies to movies as well.”
Speaking about the immense fame that All We Imagine As Light garnered after its grand success at Cannes, Vikramaditya believed that it would have been a better choice and reasoned saying, “What I don’t understand is what do you want. Is it that you want to represent a ‘truly in your mind’ what’s an Indian film – then by all means Laapataa Ladies is the right choice. But you want to win an Oscar, then it is a different game. All We Imagine As Light is a film that stopped pretty much every single critic, all around the world. It’s a no-brainer. They did it for The Lunchbox as well. So… it comes down to that!”
More Pages: Laapataa Ladies Box Office Collection , Laapataa Ladies Movie Review
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