James Gunn Reveals The Text That Landed Jason Momoa The Role Of Lobo In The DC Universe


Is Jason Momoa the perfect Lobo? James Gunn reveals the single text that convinced him to hand over the role of the DC Universe’s biggest Bastich!

One of the most perplexing casting decisions to come out of any incarnation of the DC Universe is Jason Momoa landing the role of Aquaman. While most people agree he did a serviceable job as the Defender of the Deep, literally everyone wondered why he wasn’t cast as Lobo instead. This includes Momoa himself, who walked into the audition for Batman V. Superman assuming that he was being cast as the Main Man himself!

It seems James Gunn was also on the same page as Jason Momoa (and the rest of the planet), as only a single text was enough to convince the director to cast Momoa in the role of Lobo. This text came the day that it was announced that Gunn would be taking over the DC Universe alongside Peter Safran. And that text may be the most in-character text any actor has done for any character. Ever.

Lobo’s Role In The DC Universe

It was revealed that Jason Momoa would be making his DC Universe debut as Lobo in Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow. While neither James Gunn nor the actor have divulged any secrets about the role, even as the film trucks along in production, there are a few details fans can gleam. Namely, that Lobo was originally a deuteragonist in the original comic pitch by Tom King, suggesting that he may play a larger role in the film than fans might have expected.

Given Lobo is basically unkillable, it’s likely Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow won’t be the only time Jason Momoa appears as Lobo in the DC Universe. In fact, it wouldn’t be shocking if James Gunn managed to sneak him into Superman in some way, shape or form. Though beyond that, fans will likely have to wait for the universe to fully take form before more predictions about his role can be made accurately.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow is set to release on June 26, 2026. Stay tuned for the latest news regarding the future of the DC Universe and make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more content!

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