The Allu Arjun starrer Pushpa 2 directed by Sukumar has set the box office on fire as the advance booking has hit the roof, with tickets selling like hot cup cakes. According to present trends at 6.15 PM, Pushpa 2 has sold approx. 2 lakh tickets across the Top 3 national chains – PVR, Inox, and Cinepolis – and is set for a final advance booking in the vicinity of 4 lakh tickets.
This film has sold around 1.55 lakh tickets in PVR, Inox and 45,000 tickets in Cinepolis, taking the total to 2 lakh tickets at 6.15 PM. With an expected final advance of 4 lakh tickets, the pre-sale of Pushpa 2 will be among the highest of all time alongside Baahubali 2, Jawan, Pathaan, and Animal.
The film is in a league of its own in non-national chains like Rajhans, MovieMax, and Miraj, looking to set all-time records. The final advance for Pushpa 2 in Hindi is expected to be around the Rs. 30 crore mark, and the film is set for a historic opening around the Rs. 60 crore mark, despite a nominal release for Hindi dubbed in South India.
Pushpa 2 is the most awaited film of 2024 and is just one day away from release. Let the countdown begin, as Allu Arjun returns to his most celebrated character Pushpa Raj.
More Pages: Pushpa 2 – The Rule Box Office Collection