Whether Blake Lively is a secret mean girl has been one of the hottest topics over the past few months. And now, with two huge lawsuits on the line, it’s a debate worth hundreds of millions of dollars!
The latest piece of evidence that may push you one way or another? A story her ex-boyfriend Penn Badgley told on his podcast last year!
Blake’s Gossip Girl leading man — and love interest IRL for three years — has a podcast called Podcrushed, where he talks to celeb guests about how hard it was being a teenager, often on TV. In an episode in 2024, he told everyone about the time his co-star played an INSANE prank on him!
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He hated April Fools Day pranks, but Blake, he explained, was “actually very serious about them.” For this one, she even got his MOTHER involved! He recalled:
“I get an email, just like: ‘There’s this press item we’re trying to kill but just so you know, somebody thinks, or Steven Tyler thinks, he’s your dad.’”
Sorry, WHAT?? Steven Tyler of Aerosmith?? Apparently Liv Tyler also found out later in life, maybe that’s where Blake got the idea? In any case, Penn ignored it:
“And I didn’t even think about it for a moment because who would in their right mind would think that that’s true?”

But then a publicist contacted him again days later saying they now believed it was true based on what Steven was saying. WHOA!
“I’m just like, ‘How could Steven Tyler believe this? Like, there’s no way. You have to be kidding. Steven Tyler of Aerosmith thinks that I’m his?’”
Naturally he told his then girlfriend, Blake Lively, who would know nothing about it and have his best interest at heart. She told him to cut through the bull and go straight to the source — literally the source, his mom Lynne Badgley. The call didn’t go well:
“She’s upset, and I’m like, ‘Mom, why are you upset?’ And then she takes a pause, that is like the pause that sold me, and she goes, ‘Why do you think we moved out of Maryland?’”
His parents had gotten divorced when he was young, and suddenly he was being hit with a reveal that was too crazy even for a prime time soap like he was acting in! But this was his mother saying it! He admitted:
“And I’m telling you, for something like five to seven seconds, which is a long time, I was speechless, and my world was rearranging. I was like, ‘Are you f**king kidding me? I am Steven Tyler’s son?’”
The spell broke when Blake lost it at the sight of her handiwork:
“I looked at her and she probably at that point couldn’t keep a straight face. And I’m like, ‘Ugh it’s April Fools.’ I was impressed. I was like, ‘Wow. You really put in a lot of work.’ And it worked. For it to work at all, that’s hard.”
No kidding! She had to rope in a publicist, his mom, everything had to play out just right… Almost as if she were a scheming mastermind… But this is NOT, of course, the same as she’s being accused of now. That was all in good fun. LOTS of people love April Fools Day, and plenty of those pranks aren’t cruel. It doesn’t mean you’re a mean girl. Right?
What do YOU think about this one??
[Image via WENN/Podcrushed/YouTube.]
The post The INSANE Prank Blake Lively Pulled On Ex Penn Badgley! appeared first on Perez Hilton.